Welcome to Yahsinni University, your one online Mini-mall for Health, Wealth and Knowledge. This platform offers a wide range of resources and tools for you to achieve your personal and business goals. Bring your Business or Storefront here to save on the cost of renting your own website. Explore our website today and envision a journey towards a better you.
Yahsinni is the Sole Owner and Jeweler of SimplyStoned, a well-established Online jewelry store that designs custom-made, unique fashion jewelry for the Hip-Hop and conscious community, and for you too. SimplyStoned specializes in hand-made, wire-wrapped stones and jewelry with each piece of jewelry designed specifically for you. Be unique and feel assured by knowing that no one else will have on the same piece of jewelry owned by you and made by SimplyStoned. Dare to be different, dare to be unique, for that is the motto of SimplyStoned. Personalized, customized, crystal-healing stones. Established on 10/2019, the world is waking up to SimplyStoned Jewelry.